The Case Files Collaboration Event is coming up, and it features a new welfare Servant, Gray (Assassin). ๐Ÿ‘‰โ€ฆ

The Case Files Collaboration Event is coming up, and it features a new welfare Servant, Gray (Assassin). ๐Ÿ‘‰ To participate in this event, you will need to clear SIN: Intro.

Case Files Collaboration Event Pre-Release Gacha

The Pre-Release Gacha with feature Zhuge Liang and Alexander. So if you haven’t been successful in summoning him, this may be your chance. Otherwise, you’ll have to take your chances with the Story Gacha.

Since when has Zhuge Liang been unlimited? I always thought he was a limited Servant. On that note, should I try to roll for him? Damn, I already have too many SSRs to level up.

New Servants available in Case Files Collaboration Event Gacha!

๐Ÿ‘‰These Servants are not in the Pre-Release Campaign that was recently announced.

  • Sima Yi (Rider) 5๐ŸŒŸ (Limited)
  • Astraea (Ruler) 4๐ŸŒŸ

A Raid Quest as part of the Case Files Collaboration Event

The Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files Collaboration Event is going to feature a raid. This raid looks like it repeats the Barbatos raid from Solomon. If you already have Gray leveled, this would be the opportunity to use her. Gray is one of 5 Servants that have bonus damage for this raid. Sima Yi, Astraea, Kintoki (Berserker), and Babbage are the other four.

On battle start, the entire party gets a Buster/Quick/Arts/HP Recovery down debuff. This raid is where you’re going to want to use the Combat Mystic Code. Bring along a Servant that has a party-wide debuff cleanse, like Martha or Jeanne (NP). If you do use Martha, do keep in mind that Barbatos is an Assassin for this raid. On that note, if you’re nervous about having a Rider in the front line, and have an MLB Kaleidoscope CE, bring Jeanne along.

I hope that this raid hits on a weekend when I’ll actually have time to participate ๐Ÿคž. My plan is basically Merlin + Martha + Sanzang, with Martha supplying the debuff-cleanse at the beginning. I’ll keep Mash (OGโ€”provided there are no “story-based” limits), Scathach, and (maybe) Illya on the back-line.

Event Goodies

Gold, Red, and Blue Gem Drops

Wait for the Summer 2020 rerun to get a useful amount of gems, as this event isn’t a great source of Gold Gems for Archers, Lancers, and Sabers. However, this might be a good event for farming cavalry class gems. Waiting for an event map to determine if that’s actually true or not.

Event-limited Command Codes

Each of the new Command Codes are rewards for participating in the Memorial quests that are unlocked after certain missions are completed, or time-gates are cleared.

Updated with official Command Code names on 04/29/2021

Da Vinci-chan: 5-star Command Code featured in the Case Files Collaboration Event

5๐ŸŒŸ Da Vinci-chan

Effects: Grants self NP Damage Up by 15% for 1 turn when attacking using the engraved card.

Reward for completing Memories in Luluhawa quest. This quest can be unlocked by completing Mission 55.

Enemy Layout: Mini-Cu (Berserker) 2 break-bars, and Medb (Saber) 1 bar

Single-arrow battle so no real time to charge NPs. On bar break, Mini-Cu grants self Evasion and Defense up, so bring some anti-invincibility CEs or Servants with Sure Hit. Because we’re facing a ‘Zerker and a Saber, you can get away with bringing all Archers. Chloe (Sure Hit NP) would be useful for busting down Mini-Cu after the bar break. Ishtar would work for decimating Mini-Cu’s first bar, and possibly eliminating Medb in one turn. Or bring along Tomoe to perform the “Thot Toss” and add the additional Burn effect if Medb survives Tomoe’s NP.

Intangible Case: 4-star Command Code featured in the Case Files Collaboration Event

4๐ŸŒŸ Spiritual Cube

Effects: Increases damage against Undead enemies by 15% of the engraved card.

Reward for completing Memories in Celtic Prison. Is unlocked from the beginning.

Enemy Layout: Quetzalcoatl (Rider) and Nightingale (Berserker) + random Lancer flunky

Two arrow battle, so there’s a chance of charging NPs on the first arrow. Both Quetz and Nightingale have two break bars, while the minion only has one. The presence of the Lancer flunky makes bringing an Alter Ego along sort of chancy, but Assassins are certainly doable. Jack could potentially handle both Quetz and Nightingale, or this could be an opportunity to test out Grey if you already have her at full strength.

Command Seal of a Cardinal-Minded Retainer: 3-star Command Code featured in the Case Files Collaboration Event

3๐ŸŒŸ The Crimson-Hearted Liege’s Command Seal

Effects: When engraved on Buster card, increases critical damage by 15% of the engraved card.

Reward for completing Memories in Ishtar Cup. Unlock by completing Mission 57

Enemy Layout: Minamoto no Raikล (Yes, all three), 1 has two break-bars

Another two-arrow battle. First round has 6 or so Hand of Dawn enemies. Use to charge NPs. Second arrow is the main battle. Use an AoE NP (Ishtar, OG Artoria, Grailed Kiyohime, or if you’re feeling edgy, Bunyan with some additional buffs might work) to wipe out or burst down the first line.

Those are just some of the basics on the upcoming event. There will be more information coming down as we get closer to an actual release date.


Tokugawa Restoration Labyrinth Event: Thoughts and Foreshadowing

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