Main Interlude: I did it for the SQ

Jess |
I played through the entire SE.RA.PH Main Interlude—and made it just under the deadline. Why did I do it? For the saint quartz!

I played through the entire SE.RA.PH Main Interlude—and made it just under the deadline. Why did I do it? For the saint quartz!

At first, I wasn’t going to do the interlude. I mean, I have BB already—I played the original and the rerun—so why play it a third time?

My answer: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Especially when I skipped parts of the story—at least up until the battle with Beast III/R. I figured that as much as I liked the story, I’d rather finish the event and get all the quartz, summons tickets, prisms, and other mats that were part of the drops. Also, if you collected BB’s ascension mats and you already have her maxed, each item can be burned for 1M QP each.

So, looking ahead to next events:

5th Anniversary is coming up—likely next weekend. Looking forward to both the GSSR banner and the Castoria banner. Thankfully, I have enough quartz currently for both. Irony of Ironies, when the 5th Anni campaign started, not only did I get the 30sq reward, I got another 30 because I hit the 1450 (or was it 1400?) login bonus.

After the anniversary, the next two reruns are Oōku and the Learning with Manga rerun (3rd) are up—though Learning with Manga should come after Summer 5. Honestly, I may skip Oōku and Learning with Manga. I wasn’t too impressed with the story of the former, and honestly, I’ve already done the Learning with Manga event twice. If i do either, it’ll be mainly for the awards and I’ll likely end up skipping dialogue scenes like I did with the SE.RA.PH main interlude

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