Let’s Get This Party Started!

Jess |
It’s been a long time since I had a personal publicly facing blog—probably more than 10 years at…

It’s been a long time since I had a personal publicly facing blog—probably more than 10 years at the very least. The journal I keep at Dreamwidth does not count, since that is only for an audience of a few people.

However, here is where I’d like to put the things I don’t mind having out in the open. Heh, ironically as I get older, I’m turning into a hermit and guarding my privacy more than I used to. I’m not sure if it is because I’m getting older, or a sign of the times.

Any way, I want Psy-Dreamer.com to go back to its roots of being a collective and a dumping ground for my art, tutorials, and ideas, and hopefully monetize some of that art and tutorials because after the hell of the last two years, I could use some extra cash to help my financial recovery.

Speaking of those last two years, I also hope to provide insight for other people who may be going through tough times themselves—document the mistakes that I made, and the thought processes that I fell into during that time so that hopefully someone else may recognize the warning signs in themselves and take corrective action.

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